MedicalWhy Is Product Quality Important for a Business?

July 21, 2022by Bhawins

What is Product Development?


New product development is described broadly as the transformation of a market opportunity into a product available for sale. The products developed by an organisation provide the means for it to generate income. For many technology-intensive firms their approach is based on exploiting technological innovation in a rapidly changing market. The product can be tangible (something physical which one can touch) or intangible (like a service or experience), though sometimes services and other processes are distinguished from “products”. NPD requires an understanding of customer needs and wants, the competitive environment, and the nature of the market. Cost, time, and quality are the main variables that drive customer needs. Aiming at these three variables, innovative companies develop continuous practices and strategies to better satisfy customer requirements and to increase their own market share by a regular development of new products.  There are many uncertainties and challenges which companies must face throughout the process. 


Why is product quality important

Product quality is important because it affects the success of the company and helps establish its reputation in customer markets.  When companies can create high-quality products that continue to meet customer demands, it can lead to fewer production costs, higher investment returns and increases in revenue. Quality of a product can be measured in terms of performance, reliability and durability. Quality is a crucial parameter which differentiates an organization from its competitors. Quality management tools ensure changes in the systems and processes which eventually result in superior quality products and services.

 With so many options available to customers, you may be wondering whether or not quality still matters. The answer is a resounding “yes,” and quality isn’t just about offering a product or service that exceeds the standard, but it’s also about the reputation  you gain for consistently delivering a customer experience that is “above and beyond.” Managing quality is crucial for small businesses. Quality products help to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty and reduce the risk and cost of replacing faulty goods. Companies can build a reputation for quality by gaining accreditation with a recognized quality standard.


Measuring Quality:-

Quality is specification driven – does it meet the set performance requirements.

Quality is measured at start of life – percent passing specification acceptance.

Quality effectiveness is observable by number of rejects from customers.


The quality characteristics of a product or service are known as the ‘Determinants of Quality. These are the attributes customers look for to decide if it is a quality product or service. Advisory services for product development can be obtained from bhawins.

Definitions of Quality:

People have found many ways to describe quality. Some of the most popular definitions for quality are listed below.

A degree of excellence

Conformance to requirements

Totality of characteristics which act to satisfy a need

Fitness for use

Fitness for purpose

Freedom from defects

Delighting customers

All of the above gauges of quality are useful, as they each contain elements of what quality means to users of products and services. However, for quality to be embedded in a product or service there must be a set of measurable performance standards, which, when achieved, will guarantee the desired level of quality. As a services product development company, Bhawins offers a variety of services.


What is the impact of product quality?

A company’s quality affects its productivity and profitability, as well as customer satisfaction and public perception. In addition, In the long run, quality has a significant impact on a company’s operating costs. Focusing on quality helps keep a company strong in all areas.It helps an organization achieve greater consistency in tasks and activities that are involved in the production of products and services.It increases efficiency in processes, reduces wastage, and improves the use of time and other resources. It helps improve customer satisfaction.

The following are types of quality.

Product Quality. Products that fit customer needs and fulfill customer expectations. …

Service Quality. Services involve intangible elements of quality such as environments, customer service and customer experience.

Experience Quality.

IT Quality.

Data Quality.

Information Quality.


The six characteristics of quality –



What are some product development strategies?

Product development strategy enables product organizations to create a stream of innovative offerings that disrupt the competition and delight customers. New product development is often integrated into product strategy to emphasize innovation. Product development strategy is a subset of corporate strategy.

Here are some useful product development strategies for introducing a product and remaining competitive within your market:

Change ideas.

Modify an existing product.

Increase product value.

Offer a trial.

Specialize and customize.

Create package deals.

Create new products.

Find new markets.

Services of Product Development provided by Bhawins

For services of product development, Bhawin’s can help you meet your customer satisfaction goals. We are Expertise in Solving Complex Science and Technology Problems. We are a one stop for multiple solutions

 Our services include a thorough consultation to identify gaps and possibilities, as well as a detailed report with a project strategy, timeframes, and cost analysis. Our customised programmes are made up of high-quality services that will assist you in rapidly and efficiently solving scientific difficulties.

Our scientific team will provide a detailed timeframe and instructions for resolving the issue. Our devoted staff will work with you to improve the quality of your product to meet current market demand and lead your business to success, whether you are a start-up or in need of a redevelopment of your product. We didn’t get there by ourselves, and you won’t either.

We are a full service lab for scientific solutions

Examples For Product Development

If any company is facing legal issues due to a product failure, Bhawin LLC has qualified professional witnesses on staff to further support your company. Some materials that Bhawin’s can test in its failure analysis lab:

Epoxies, Paints, & Coatings

Painted materials



Pharmaceuticals & Supplements

Plastics & Polymers


Adhesives & Sealants

Medical Devices


Fuel Quality


Construction materials


For further details, have a look at our website  Contact us at 734-604-9826

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