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H1- Introduction to Pharmaceutical Formulations   Pharmaceutical formulation, in pharmaceutics, is the process in which different chemical substances, including the active drug, are combined to produce a final medicinal product. The word formulation is often used in a way that includes dosage form. Pharmaceutical formulation is the multistep process where the active drug is mixed with all other components by considering the...

Why Product Quality Is more important than Making a Good Product?

Importance of product quality Corporate executives and consumers have in recent years adopted divergent views of product quality. Several recent surveys indicate how wide the quality perception gap is: Three out of five chief executives of the country’s largest 1,300 companies said in a 1981 survey that quality is improving; only 13% said it is declining.1 Yet...

The process of complex science & technology problems?

Complex Scientific Problems In times of increasing globalization and technological advances, humans have to face many problems in everyday life that are quite complex, involving multiple goals as well as many possible actions that could be considered, each associated with several different and uncertain consequences, in environments that may change dynamically and independent of the...

How Science & Technology Can Be Used to Solve Society’s problem?

What is the public’s awareness of science and technology? Public awareness of science (PAwS) is everything relating to the awareness, attitudes, behaviors, opinions, and activities that comprise the relations between the general public or lay society as a whole to scientific knowledge and organization. This concept is also known as public understanding of science (PUS), or more recently, public engagement...