StrategyThe importance of Product Failure Analysis

January 24, 2023by Bhawins0

H1- Introduction to product failure 

Product failure can occur whenever the specifications for a product, or an interim product, are not reached through the normal manufacturing process. Examples include, but are not limited, to problems such as product discoloration, premature wear of the product, and excessive breakage. Any product specification that does not meet the required level of quality levels can be considered a product failure. Every product has the potential to fail. This is a simple and accepted truth in the manufacturing industry. However, rather than being paralyzed by this reality, quality engineers can take steps to lessen the impact of a failure and perhaps prevent it all together.

H2- What are the Main Reasons for Product Failures?

In spite of the efforts made by the marketer, some products fail. Product failure can be attributed to any one or more of the following causes:

  1. h3- Poor product quality:Obviously, a product, which is of poor quality, cannot be sold in the market.
  2. h3- Higher price: Another reason for the failure of certain products is the price factor. Higher production and distribution costs may lead to higher price. Such a product cannot be sold in a market consisting of middle and lower income buyers.
  3. h3- Poor timing: It is important that a product, to be successful, is introduced in the market at the correct time. If it is introduced at an unsuitable time it may turn out to be a failure.

Example: Publishers of textbooks usually bring out books in the beginning of the academic year.

  1. h3- Inherent defect: There may be an inherent defect in the product, which may affect its market potentialities. Such a product may not be preferred by the buyers even if the defect is rectified later.

5.h3-  Extent of competition: A monopolist may not have any difficulty in marketing his product. In the case of a market where there are a large number of sellers for a particular product, the buyer will have many alternatives. Therefore, in such a condition unless the marketer brings out the product to the satisfaction of the buyers, he cannot be successful.

  1. h3- Lack of promotional measures: Popularizing the brand, particularly, in the introduction stage of a productis essential. Such a step will ensure repeated buying and bring long-term benefits for the marketer. Failure to do so will ‘prove to be disastrous for the product.

7.h3-  Faulty distribution policy: It is important that a product reaches the right market at the right time and at the right price. The faulty distribution policy of the marketer may lead to many problems, i.e., the goods may not be available when required, may lead to higher price and so on.

  1. 8. h3- Unavailability of spare parts: In the case of durable goods like televisions sets, Air-conditioners, etc., and also in the case of two wheeler and cars, easy availability of spare parts is an important requirement. Unavailability of spares may frustrate the buyers. Such buyers would not recommend the product to their friends and relatives.
  2. h3- Poor after-sale service: The quality of after sale service is yet another important cause. Most marketers, particularly those marketing durables, two-wheeler, etc., are courteous while making sale. When the customer requires service later and approaches the seller, the latter may show indifference.

10.h3-  Imitation products: Last, but not the least, the presence of a number of imitation products in the market makes the genuine products vulnerable. An average buyer may not be able to distinguish between the genuine product and the fake one.


H2- What is Product Failure Analysis?

Failure analysis is the process of collecting and analyzing data to determine the cause of a failure. Failure analysis can also be conducted to preemptively predict risk factors for failure. The goal of failure analysis is to determine what can be done to correct or prevent failure, and also outline any potential product liabilities. Failure analysis can be used in the development of new and the refinement of existing products as a tool for both prevention and troubleshooting.Product Failure Analysis may involve the investigation of malfunctions or poor design of consumer products including toys and appliances which have caused bodily injury or property damage.In potential products liability losses involving equipment and machinery, the Engineer will occasionally be asked to ascertain whether the product or equipment contains an “inherent defect”, arising as a consequence of poor design, faulty material, improper assembly or retrofit alteration. Often the equipment did not malfunction, but operator error or poor maintenance caused the accident. This is an import an factor which must also be considered.Our engineers have access to highly-experienced experts in fire science, laboratories, researchers and technicians within the network.

H3- Initial Investigations:

In analyzing product failures, several important facts must be determined.

  • H4- Mode of failure
  • Cause of failure
  • Determination of how the product was being used at the time of failure
  • Determination of similar failures of the same or similar products
  • Determination of industry standards
H3- Analysis:

Failed products must be carefully inspected; and secured, however, affiliates are cautioned to perform only non-destructive testing. Invasive and/or destructive testing is performed only with all parties present. Products are photographed and may be tested to evaluate:

  1. H4- Altercations to the product.
    Appropriate warnings, instructions and safety alert symbols.
    3. Inherently defective products.
    4. Improper use of the product.


H2- The importance of product failure analysis

Failure analysis is a process by which a failed product is inspected to determine what caused it to fail. There are various methods that failure analysts use – for example Ishikawa “fishbone” diagrams, failure modes & effects analysis (FMEA), or fault-tree analysis (FTA). Methods vary in approach, but all seek to determine the root cause of failure by looking at the characteristics and clues left behind

1h3- . Determine root cause of failure

It’s beneficial to understand why your product failed. Perhaps there was a design flaw that prevented it from performing its intended function. Perhaps it had a manufacturing or material defect. Perhaps the product was misused or abused. Or maybe it exceeded its useful life and wore out.

By closely inspecting the product, its fracture surfaces, and its environment, an experienced failure analyst is able to collect the evidence and observations needed to make conclusions regarding root cause(s) of failure.

In the context of mechanical system failures, the failure analyst often uses visual inspection, microscopy, and various metallurgical tests (e.g. chemical analysis, hardness & tensile testing) to collect evidence. The analyst may even attempt to re-create the failure in a controlled environment. 

2.h3-  Prevent similar product failures in the future 

Once the root cause of the product’s failure has been determined, it is possible to develop a corrective action plan to prevent recurrence of the same failure mode. Here are some common root causes, and their corresponding corrective actions: 

  • Design deficiency caused failure→ Revisit in-service loads & environmental effects, modify design appropriately
  • Manufacturing defect caused failure → Revisit manufacturing processes (e.g. casting, forging, machining, heat treat, coating, assembly) to ensure design requirements are met
  • Material defect caused failure → Implement raw material quality control plan
  • Misuse or abuse caused failure → Educate user in proper installation, use, care, and maintenance of product
  • Product exceeded its useful life → Educate user in proper overhaul/replacement intervals

3. h3- Improve future products

Understanding what caused one product to fail may allow us to improve next generation versions of the product or other products. In performing a failure analysis on one product, often we’ll learn something about our design process, manufacturing processes, material properties, or actual service conditions. This valuable insight may allow us to foresee and avoid potential problems before they occur in the future. 

If any company is facing legal issues due to a product failure, Bhawin LLC has qualified professional witnesses on staff to further support your company. Some materials that Bhawin’s can test in its failure analysis lab:

  • Epoxies, Paints, & Coatings
  • Painted materials
  • Laminates
  • Composites
  • Pharmaceuticals & Supplements
  • Plastics & Polymers
  • Rubbers
  • Adhesives & Sealants
  • Medical Devices
  • Metallurgical
  • Fuel Quality
  • Packaging
  • Construction materials

Our scientists have the advanced instrumentation and technical experience needed to solve a variety of failure analysis problems.

Our accomplished researchers utilize an extensive variety of instrumentation for failure investigation testing, including FT-IR, Raman spectra, GC/MS, SEM/EDXA, TEM, AFM, LC/MS, DSC, TGA, and more for doubtful material unique proof and examination. We additionally give physical failure examination testing, for example, tension, pressure, permeability, surface investigation, and metallography. Regardless of whether the main driver is in the raw materials, a blemish in the plan of the item, or an

We have skilled problem solvers and can recognize issues to decide an answer for doubtful contamination, corrosion, discolouration, weird odours, reduced shelf life, and more,. Bhawin’s failure examination lab can recover your organization’s creation on track. We are adaptable to your requirements and can work inside your tight due dates.

Bhawin’s failure investigation lab gives testing to unknown materials by dissimilar ‘great’ vs ‘terrible’ examples and can also provide onsite investigations if necessary. Bhawin’s final reports incorporate suggestions to avoid item failure in future production in addition to the conclusions. Along with our final outcomes and reports, you will be provided with all the first specialized information.

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